After learning that my favorite pizza joint in all the world had been sold and closed has broken my heart!!! From the time I was a young man many a pizza, cheezy beef or even a dozen baked clams were a 3 time a week thing for as long as I remember, The original owners Jim and Anna were some remarkable and the very best a local town cold ask for. As a owner or helper of many town events Jim and Anna always were there to chip in. I worked for them for many years and have many many fond and fun memories of the fun all had working at this premier pizza and Italian food extravaganza, Later in the years my late daughter Dawn also had to work there, Now that I live in Arizona I always plan my trips home to Chicago with a Village pizza and a Gene and Judes hot dog, But never to have a Village pizza again..............so on that note thank you Village Pizza for being a great part of growing u and beyond.....................Michael
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